• One of my favourite medieval…

    …cities is York.  I’ve just made a flying visit there to talk to some intrepid Americans from the Smithsonian at the stunning Treasurer’s House near the Minster.  They asked some terrific questions and it was a real delight to find they’d started reading the Hildegard series.  Yes, I expect her to go on for some time yet.  I hope the sixth book, The Butcher of Avignon, will not disappoint.

    The seventh is already taking shape, its possible title:   The Scandal of the Skulls.

    Hildegard returns to England but while she’s been in Avignon Woodstock and Arundel have butchered most of King Richard’s closest advisors.  An encounter with someone from the past sets Hildgard on a collision course with the king’s enemies…

    It was a trip to Salisbury to climb the famous steeple there that showed me what happens next.

  • If medieval matters are too…

    …modern for you then why not look up the Anglo Saxons?  Try first the brilliant and informative website of  Penelope Walton Rogers, Visiting Fellow in archaeology at York University.   Find her at www.aslab.co.uk

    There were some satisfyingly strong women around, to name but one, Hild of Whitby.  King Alfred’s daughter was also tough enough to run Mercia for seven years without a husband wielding his sword.  Whose your favourite Anglo-Saxon woman?  Come to that, whose your favourite Anglo-Saxon man?


  • Books are my bag

    Have you ever read a book?

    If you have then come along to Waterstones Book Shop in Lymington High Street this Saturday 11th October at 2 p.m. to tell us about it.  I shall be there to sign a few Hildegard books too so do come and say hello.  Even more, Tracey Emin has designed a special book bag to celebrate the joy of books and you’ll have a chance to win one of this special edition.  Good luck and see you there!